WRAP and OPRL (On-Pack Recycling Label) have announced a strategic partnership with an aim to help meet the UK’s recycling targets.
To achieve packaging recycling targets of 70% by 2030 (Circular Economy package target) and 70% of plastic packaging by 2025 (The UK Plastics Pack target), the partnership will focus on:
- Providing consistent messaging on-pack to reduce confusion amongst consumers in the UK about what can and can’t be recycled
- Improving the quality and quantity of household recycling in the UK
- Improving the quality and quantity of ‘on the go’ recycling in the UK
Resources charity WRAP said it will continue its delivery of the “successful” Recycle Now citizen campaign alongside broader recycling messages, while OPRL will remain responsible for on-pack recycling messages, using Recycle Now iconography under exclusive license.
Recycle Now is the national recycling campaign for England, supported and funded by Government, managed by WRAP. It is used locally by over 90% of English authorities, according to WRAP.
Peter Maddox, director of WRAP UK, said:
“Our latest research for Recycle Now shows that more than half (54 percent) of citizens put at least one item in the general rubbish bin that could have been recycled. Therefore helping citizens to recycle more, and more often, is crucial to achieving the targets we have committed to. It makes absolute sense that we do this in close partnership with OPRL, whose on pack messaging is recognised and understood by more than three in four citizens.”
Jane Bevis, Chair of OPRL said: “Our continuing close relationship with WRAP is very important to us as we know consistent, evidenced messaging is essential in securing the trust and action of citizens.
“Maintaining and developing further the strong links between OPRL’s on-pack messaging, and WRAP’s work through their Recycle Now campaign and local authority communications, remains essential to delivering more and better recycling of packaging.”