The consultation for Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England has today (7th May 2021) been published by Defra.
Under the proposals Local Authorities (LAs) will have to provide every household and business with a plastic, paper and card, glass, metal and food waste collection service. Proposals also considers free garden waste collection for every home.
Defra says that increasing consistency will reduce uncertainty in the materials that can be collected at kerbside, with aims to “end the confusion for millions of homes and businesses having different collections in different areas, helping households recycle more and send less waste to landfill”.
The consultation is open for responses until 4th July and, if they go ahead, the proposals will be rolled out in line with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which is set for a phased roll out from 2023.
Defra confirmed that the additional cost of providing these services will be funded through the reform of the packaging regulations. Under the full net cost recovery aspect of EPR obligated producers will fund the collection, treatment and recycling of the packaging they handle or place onto the UK market.
The consultation on EPR was released in March, along with the consultation on the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in England and Wales, both of which close on 4th June (see our update on this here).