Recycle Wales becomes Wales first approved Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme

Recycle Wales, the Specialist Environmental Compliance Company, is pleased to announce that it has registered Wales first packaging waste compliance scheme with Natural Resource Wales (NRW), the Welsh Environmental Regulator.

Packaging Waste Compliance Schemes play a vital role in ensuring companies are able comply with their legal recycling and recovery obligations under the Packaging Waste Regulations.

Enforcing the packaging regulations is undertaken by each of the devolved administrations environmental regulators. The Environment Agency in England, SEPA in Scotland and NIEA in Northern Ireland all have compliance schemes registered with them which meant that until recently Welsh businesses had no choice

other than to register with a compliance scheme that wasn’t regulated by Natural Resource Wales. Now that Recycle Wales is registered with NRW, this means that any obligated businesses in Wales, if they chose too, can become a member of Recycle Wales and be part of scheme that is governed by Welsh environmental policy.

Lynne Cullis, Chief Executive said: “We are delighted that Recycle Wales has become the first compliance scheme to be registered with Natural Resource Wales. It is important that each of the UK’s devolved administrations all have their own packaging waste schemes. We all understand that waste packaging is largely seen as a national issue spread across the entire United Kingdom, but situations do differ from region to region and working with regulators that operate on a local level is vital to ensuring that the aspirations of the UK’s wider environmental strategies are met”.

John Rock, Producer Responsibility Team Leader from Natural Resources Wales said: “As a society, we all have a responsibility for the amount of waste we create and dispose of. Companies who handle large volumes of packaging waste are obligated to make a financial contribution towards packaging recycling costs.
Packaging waste compliance schemes help these companies register as packaging producers and meet their recycling obligations.

We’re pleased to have Recycle Wales on board as the first compliance scheme registered in Wales to offer this service.”

Recycle Wales was first registered with NRW on 15/04/2020 and is able to provide help and support to any business that is required to comply with the Packaging waste regulations and other Environmental issue regarding Producer Responsibility Legislation.


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